How to Play Pickleball

Pickleball, the Fastest Growing Sport in the Nation

Pickleball is pretty simple to learn.  The scoring aspect of the game may take a little longer, but your partner or opponents will help you.  Most groups will have the knowledgeable players introduce the game to new players and teach them the basics.  The game is similar to tennis, table tennis, and badminton. Below are key factors to learning how to play the game.


Doubles Play: Determine which side will serve first.  Most clubs have a set starting area, often called "house rules" or if that is not the case, one can call out heads or tales when flipping a coin.  Once starting position is set, play begins by calling out the score of 0-0-2.  0-0 is the score, and 2 is the server number.  The side serving first will only receive one serving opportunity.  The server stands behind the line in the right service area, and serves the ball below the waist or off of a dropped bounce and into the opposite court service area.  The ball must clear the non-volley zone (kitchen) and land within the opposing side's right service area.  This includes the outside baselines and center line of the court.  Serving continues only if points are won, with the same player alternating sides.  If no point results, the opposing team starts the serve with the player on the right side of the court, and both players will have the chance to serve and win points.  Once the first player loses their turn, the second player serves from the side they are at currently at.

Double Bounce Rule

The ball must bounce twice before volleying (volleying=hitting the ball out of the air) is allowed for the serving team.  The ball takes the first bounce on the serve to the opposing team, and when the opposing team returns the serve, the ball must bounce one more time on the service side of the court.  Once both bounces have been made, the ball can be volleyed at any time as long as it is behind the kitchen line or played off a single bounce until a fault occurs.


Pickleball involves many strategies including strategic serves, different schemes against a variety of opponents, using the soft game, banging or hitting harder shots against unsuspecting players much like tennis, quick hand battles at the kitchen line, and even utilizing the lob from time to time.  Typically, the majority of the game is played close to the net at the kitchen line where both teams dink, reset points, and utilize angles working to create the next put away shot or opponent error.  When serving or returning the serve, remember this...serve deep, return deep.  Keep the opponent back, whether you are the server or returner.  This will allow time for you and your partner to get positioned close to the net.  Each game is played up to 11 and a team must win by 2 points.  Play continues if it is tied at 11 until one team wins.

Be patient.  Be opportunistic.  Get up to the kitchen line.  Try to use a variety of shots so your opponent cannot read the type of player you are.  Most importantly, remember that pickleball checks all the boxes.  Social Health.  Mental Health.  Physical Health.